Dates, times, and events #
Lamar County Solar Scandal Timeline
Neighbor Talk
Appeals Meeting
Appeals meeting took place, since no one knew about it no one showed up. -
Learned about plant
Approval Meeting
Community concerns completely ignored. All commissioners arrived with minds already made. -
Compendium Submission
Missed appeals deadline
Due to multiple uncontrollable circumstances. A former lawyer, waited till we had 24 hours till the deadline, before demanding $2500 up front. The appeals deadline was missed, and it was completely out of our control. -
Message to Ryran Traylor
Message to Ryran appealing that something is done about the destruction of our community. He expressed his hopes that it was not as bad as we were thinking. It was worse. -
First Email to Board of Commissioners
Email to Nancy Thrash
Began talks with Nancy Thrash in hopes to resolve the complete ignoring of our concerns. -
First set of Letters
First Contact with Nancy Thrash
First email with Nancy Thrash expressing our concerns and the feeling that we have been robbed of our freedom to voice our concerns. -
Email from Charles Glass Received
Email to Nancy Thrash
Emailed Nancy Thrash asking what should be told to the other members of the community that feel cheated out of their property. She said she would work on it, but nothing every was accomplished from this. She has only once ever responded to emails. -
Invited Charles to attend meeting
Invited Charles Glass and Nancy bot to the forum meeting. Nancy declined due to her birthday. No response was ever received from charles. -
Emailed Charles Glass
After over hearing that Charles Glass referred to our position as completely unsupported and undocumented, regardless of submitting a 36 page bibliography at the approval meeting. We attempted again to provide him with some reading material, that would be easier for him to consume. He completely ignored our email. -
First meeting Taken Over
Concerned Citizens Meeting
Message from Ryran Traylor
After appealing for action to be done to prevent the devaluation of all the homes in the neighborhood. Ryran apologized for the stress one of our members has been experiencing. -
Lamar County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Intentionally missed this meeting under the clearly delivered message that the county was not concerned with the ramifications suffered by residents over their political circus act. -
Barnesville Buggy Days
Annual festival of our community. Protest attempted and stopped. -
Message sent to Ryran Traylor
Message to Ryran sent again appealing for the prevention of this installation, which will destroy property values, and needlessly place resident's lives at risk. No response ever recieved. -
Email to Robert Hiney
Email sent to all Members of the Board of Commissioners
Email sent to all members of the Solar Dump Coalition
Formation of NonProfit
~~This was the date that we filed for nonprofit status with the state of Georgia and signed the articles of incorporation. We formed a nonprofit in order to combine our efforts and become an officially recognized organized entity so that we can better protect our homes and our families. This way no single individual is liable, rather the entity it self is the only liable party. We are also nonprofit because all of us have nothing to gain, but the protection of our homes and properties. None of us desire to financially gain from the obvious litigation that we must go through, we just want to protect our homes, our community, and our families.~~ -
Notice to stop and Right to file Suit Delivered
It was on this date that a notice to stop pursuit of the project was delivered to one of the property owners who intent is to profit off of the devaluation of the community. We delivered a message of our concerns, and a notice that legal action will result if he does not stop the further progression of the project. No other warning will be delivered from this point, only filing suit. -
Discovery of property vandalization
Use of a motor vehicle to intimidate
Lamar County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Lamar County Board of Commissioners changes their story
When we asked if any research had been performed, our answer was they referenced a document submitted by Georgia Tech, which they didn't follow. Now the county claims that they have been in contact with Dr. Keller a UGA specialist in climate change since the beginning. Which is news to us. Why was this not mentioned three months ago? Probably because it did not happen. -
Organizational Expansion
Due to public opinion and the repetition of county governments abusing power to encourage private profit, we are expanding our efforts and working towards resolution on a more statewide level with other concerned communities that have found themselves taken advantage of by private individuals seeking to manipulate public officials into allowing them to privately profit -
Direct conflict of interest