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Yeah, shit happens…

It was never our intention to be such opposed to something as utterly insignificant as a solar panel, but things do add up over time, and quickly one extra panel becomes a roaming army of over 40,000. Then you have got a big problem.

The first sign of anything going on was when an old and dear friend asked us about the signs that were on the side of the road in front of a mutual neighbours house. She said that they were public notices, which immediately peeked our interest. We drove down the road after while to take a gander at the public notices, we were very curious about what was going on. All that could be seen was a single sign, the other was moved to the side and blocked from view by four trash cans. Which we thought was a little odd, but since both signs appeared to be exactly identical we assumed that they both has the same information written on them, but boy, were we ever wrong…

The curiosity of what could be going on down the road was driving us crazy so after a day or two of farm work was completed we decided to bite and see what it was all about. It was at this time that we received the shock of our lives. We were informed that our neighbor was applying for an exception that would allow him to build a solar power plant on his property, immediately we knew that this was more than a few panels, that this was going to encompass all of us and drastically affect our lives.

What still baffles us to this day is if our neighbour was so fascinated with solar energy, then why did he not invest in a private array to power his home off of first, before committing to an action that would devourer the entire community? The only answer we have for this is greed and the promise of money. We understand business and the pursuit for financial prosperity, but some things are just asking too much of others to endure.

Regardless, a few days later learned that the two signs on display in front of his property informed the community of two different meetings. The meeting for appeals was written on the sign that was so conveniently blocked from public view, and because of this, several of us were prevented from attending and voicing our concerns. By the time the meeting for approval occurred, the county commissioners had already made their mind up, and the rest of the process was rail-roaded through the approval process without hesitation.

Since then, our concerns of complete loss in property value has been completely ignored by the county, who without reason remain determined to destroy our community and endanger the lives of all it’s residents doing so. Regardless of the overwhelming research that declares the total decimation of our neighbourhood, the continual pleas of it’s citizens, and the evidence that they were intentionally misled. The Lamar County Board of Commissioners remain steadfast in their intention to inflict damages on it’s citizens while allowing a single member of it’s community to profit off of this destruction.

The injustice performed to us is truly unfathomable. But, we remain unwavering in our diligence and duty to protect the lives and interests of our county. We will perform any action necessary to protect the rights and personal property of the citizens of Lamar County, Georgia. We hope that you support us as we fight the corruption, and wrongs committed to us by those whose intent is to profit off of the suffering of others.

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